International Grammar School Niederwürschnitz

News from
everyday school life

GTA excursion

As part of the GTA business start-up course, two students visited the "Freie Presse" group of companies in Brückenstraße in Chemnitz together with GTA leader Mr. Leue.

Mr. Max Hähnel from Freie Presse gave the group a tour of the company and explained how the publishing group was founded and how it works. In addition to information on media literacy, the students were given an insight into the heart of newspaper production, the newsroom. A 46-strong team works there to provide users with news and all the necessary background information, from the app to the printed newspaper.


Language diversity

We translate our websites with an extension that creates an automatic translation using state-of-the-art software.

For this reason, we cannot guarantee a perfect and error-free translation.