Escuela Internacional de Gramática Niederwürschnitz

Noticias de
la vida cotidiana de la escuela

Gaining university experience

On 27th May 2024 the students of the IGN visited the University of Applied Sciences in Zwickau. There they were informed about the studies of: Languages and Intercultural Communication, Informatics & Robotics, Economy & Marketing as well as Automotive Engineering.

All the sessions were a good mix of theory and practical experience, for example the students could try out a driving simulator, little robots or virtual reality glasses.   

A speciality of the department of languages there is the sign language (Gebärdensprache) which the visitors could try out themselves.

Beside the „lessons“ inside university, there was also a scavenger hunt around the campus fields which they tried out as the first visitors. It was a cool idea and the „freshmen“ gained a lot of information about the Scheffel campus. To round up the student atmosphere the students had lunch in the students‘ mensa as well.

This was a great day and maybe this university close to their homes will be an option after the A-levels in three years.

Diversidad lingüística

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